
We were requested to tender for the upgrade of the lightning protection system at St. Peter & Pauls Cathedral by a local consulting engineering firm


Scaled drawings were provided but a site visit was necessary to test and inspect the existing system to see could it be utilised and what material was in place.  This was also crucial for the Preliminary Health and Safety Plan to identify any hazards on the ground. Test readings obtained proved that the 3 no. existing earth points were perished. There were only 3 no. downconductors and no surge protection in place.


We carried out a risk assessment based on our site visit and the scaled drawings provided. The software determined that a level four lightning protection system was required. This entailed 5 no. additional downconductors, renewal of the existing 3 no. earths, links to antennae and surge protection. A system was designed, installed, tested and certified to current standards. The Cathedral remained in use during the course of the works and services were not affected.


The Cathedral and its occupants are adequately protected against lightning strike as per current BSEN62305 standards.